Pregnancy and postpartum are both exciting times and times of significant change for athletes. While we definitely still need more information, we have so much more than we used to to be able to support you in your health, fitness and sport goals during pregnancy and postpartum.
You don't need to do it alone. I am here to help you!
Pregnant Athletes
Physiotherapy in pregnancy can help you stay active throughout your pregnancy, manage injuries, and help to prepare your body for birth and postpartum recovery
Physiotherapy will consist of an individual assessment and a personalized treatment plan designed to help you reach your personal fitness goals during this time
Pregnancy is a time in an athlete's life where there is a lot of change, and a lot that can be done to support your health and athleticism
There is a lot of misinformation out there and everyone is different, you can get accurate information that applies to you during this time. That's where physiotherapy at Instil Physio can help.
Postpartum Athletes
Physiotherapy postpartum can set you up for success in your recovery by giving you the tools to recover and heal from birth, build strength and endurance and support return to sport and fitness.
It can also help with any of the following possible obstacles:
General aches and pains (back, hips, knees, etc)
Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (separation of abdominals along linea alba)
Leaking urine (when laughing, sneezing, running, jumping)
Frequently urinating (can’t make it through a work out without going to pee?)
Just don’t feel right? Not yourself physically?
Unusual weakness
Posterior chain weakness (poor recruitment and strength of the hip extensors, aka "glutes", and shoulder retractors)
Doing your “kegels” but haven’t noticed a change?? (A lot of women are doing Kegels improperly).
Connecting with your core and body effectively
c-section scar rehab (having scar pain, adhesions, low back pain, difficulty recruiting your core?)