Athlete Performance and Menstrual Cycles: Shifting the Conversation for Better Athlete Support
A constantly growing and evolving collection of professional perspectives on physiotherapy, health, sports performance and rehabilitation, acupuncture and personal wellbeing for female athletes.
Shaping the Narrative: Why Our Conversations About Female Athletes and ACL Tears Matter
C-section Rehab: What I recommend and want you to know
Should I be training in-season?
We're Back: She Moves Virtual 2022!
She Moves: Empowering Female-Focused Fitness and Sport Performance
Track It, Train Smarter: Optimize training, recovery and injury rehab for the female athlete
Energy Crisis for the Female Athlete: RED-S & the Female Athlete Triad.
Acute Inflammation: Friend or Foe? To seek treatment or not?
Supporting the Female Athlete: What is Female Sports Medicine?
How We Can Use Neurofunctional Electro-Acupuncture in the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Female Sports Medicine at Instil Physio
Strength & Conditioning, Movement and Exercise at Instil Physio.
Neurofunctional Electro-Acupuncture
Neurofunctional Medicine Approach at Instil Physio
Physiotherapy Can Help in Many Ways
Performance Care for Youth Athletes
Performance Care for the High Performing Athlete
Why Performance Care is for Everyone