The concept was created for high performing athletes to keep their physical function optimal in order to push their bodies to the limit needed for performance. We can use this same approach with everyone in their health. There are many things that we can do to help you optimize your function for everyday life, athletics and overall health.
The Performance Care Program provides individuals with:
Integrative rehabilitation of injuries or pain problems
A plan for injury prevention and optimization of function
This program aims to empower people by providing them with the knowledge needed to make healthy choices as they navigate their lives. People will learn about their body and the biomechanics of movement in order to keep them feeling good and moving well.
In addition to the rehabilitation of current injuries, this program has a large focus on injury prevention and optimization of function. Whether an individual is injured or not, this program can help them identify areas of dysfunction and develop the foundations necessary for optimal function and health.
Optimizing function and health requires a holistic approach that considers an individual's past medical history and injury history, their mental health, digestive health and demands that are placed on them on a daily basis.
Individuals will receive a comprehensive physical assessment to identify areas of:
Limited range of motion
Neuromotor inhibition (where muscles are not being recruited optimally, and often a source of potential injury)
Movement dysfunction (movement patterns that are not optimal for sport performance and can predispose your athlete to injury).
After collecting this information, your physiotherapist will create a detailed, individualized treatment plan. The plan will aim to:
Rehabilitate any current injuries
Optimize movement patterns
Enhance neuromotor recruitment
Improve range of motion
The treatment plan will be unique to each individual and will consist of a team approach involving*:
Neurofunctional electro-acupuncture
Soft tissue release techniques
Manual therapy
Exercise and correcting/improving movement patterns
All areas of the individual's life will be considered. Recommendations regarding exercise, nutrition, sleep, movement patterning, recovery, etc. will be given where indicated.
Performance care is about keeping you at your optimal health and function.
Call 519-840-0784 or email info@instilphysio.ca for more information and to enquire about booking an appointment. If you would like further information we can have a phone call to discuss the details further.
Disclaimer: All information provided by instilphysio.ca can at no time substitute medical advice and individual assessment by a qualified medical professional. instilphysio.ca recommends seeking professional advice before commencing any type of self-treatment, as the information provided is not intended to be relied on for medical diagnosis and treatment.
Visitors of the website instilphysio.ca use the information provided at their own risk. instilphysio.ca will not accept responsibility for any consequences or injuries.
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