Shaping the Narrative: Why Our Conversations About Female Athletes and ACL Tears Matter
A constantly growing and evolving collection of professional perspectives on physiotherapy, health, sports performance and rehabilitation, acupuncture and personal wellbeing for female athletes.
Energy Crisis for the Female Athlete: RED-S & the Female Athlete Triad.
Acute Inflammation: Friend or Foe? To seek treatment or not?
Supporting the Female Athlete: What is Female Sports Medicine?
How We Can Use Neurofunctional Electro-Acupuncture in the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Female Sports Medicine at Instil Physio
Strength & Conditioning, Movement and Exercise at Instil Physio.
Neurofunctional Electro-Acupuncture
Neurofunctional Medicine Approach at Instil Physio
Physiotherapy Can Help in Many Ways
Performance Care for the High Performing Athlete
Why Performance Care is for Everyone
Post-Exercise Recovery and Performance
Part 2: Hormones and Your Cycle: What is ABNORMAL?
Part 1: Hormones and your cycle: What is normal?
Bringing Light to RED-S
Don't Settle - An Athlete's Perspective.
MUST READ: Iron Deficiency and The Female Athlete.What you don’t know about IRON but probably should
My turn to jump off a cliff….