Part 2: Hormones and Your Cycle: What is ABNORMAL?
A constantly growing and evolving collection of professional perspectives on physiotherapy, health, sports performance and rehabilitation, acupuncture and personal wellbeing for female athletes.
Part 1: Hormones and your cycle: What is normal?
Bringing Light to RED-S
Don't Settle - An Athlete's Perspective.
MUST READ: Iron Deficiency and The Female Athlete.What you don’t know about IRON but probably should
She Moves: Active Youth Empowerment Day 2019
My turn to jump off a cliff….
She Moves: Active Youth Empowerment Day
Quinoa....with a side of squats.
Dear people, be kind and stop judging others' disabilities.
What my personal experiences with Autism has taught me about living with MS.
Who is Instil Physio for????
I am not my diagnosis, I am just myelin challenged! Truths and misconceptions about Relapsing-Remitt
Acupuncture: FAQ’s
Get more out of your treatment with...Mindfulness!
Female athletes leaking urine? What?
Consider the Connections: Fascia links systems upon systems
Let’s Talk Modern Medical Acupuncture